[CentOS] What commands are available in recovery mode?

Bill Campbell

centos at celestial.com
Thu Dec 30 01:19:12 UTC 2010

On Wed, Dec 29, 2010, Mark wrote:
>I have a CentOS VM that I messed up and it now can't find /home
>(because it's gone), so it comes up in recovery mode.

Would a manual fsck help fix this?

>What can I do in recovery mode?  It won't let me modify any files,
>which makes it hard to fix the fstab, so ...???

This command will remount the root file system read-write so you
can edit things.

mount -n -oremount,rw /

When you're done this will remount read-only.

mount -n -oremount,ro /

INTERNET:   bill at celestial.com  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
URL: http://www.celestial.com/  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
Voice:          (206) 236-1676  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820
Fax:            (206) 232-9186  Skype: jwccsllc (206) 855-5792

Democracy extends the sphere of individual freedom,  Democracy attaches
all possible value to each man, while socialism makes each man a mere
agent, a mere number. Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but
one word: equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks
equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.
   Alexis de Tocqueville == 1848

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