[CentOS] Laptop for CentOS-5

Sat Jan 9 04:19:54 UTC 2010
Ryan Pugatch <rpug at linux.com>

James B. Byrne wrote:
> I have a defective HP-Compaq nx9420 and so I am looking to replace
> it.  I have pretty much decided to buy no further MicroSoft based
> products and would very much like to hear recommendations for a
> suitable notebook host to provide me with Linux based alternative.

Others have already suggested it, but I figured I'd chime in.  I have 
had good luck with Thinkpads and CentOS.  I am currently running CentOS 
5.4 on a T61 and an X31.  If you decide to go that route, you will 
probably need to spend a little time hacking at the setup to get it to a 
level where you are happy with using it.  However, I believe you'll 
ultimately be satisfied as I am.  thinkwiki.org is a good resource for 
figuring out what you need to get certain laptop features to work 
properly.  Also, you will likely need to use rpmforge and/or elrepo drivers.

	- Ryan