[CentOS] Advanced fsck?

Thu Jan 28 07:13:30 UTC 2010
Geoff Galitz <geoff at galitz.org>



It is probably not a bug... most likely you have additional filesystems that
need checking.  If you are unsure about what filesystems to check, use the
"-A" flag to fsck:


# fsck -A


That will check all applicable filesystems listed in your /etc/fstab file.


It is also possible that the filesystems are too severely damaged to be
repaired from single user mode.  In that case you'll need to download a
Centos CD and use rescue mode and hope that you can recover.





Geoff Galitz
Blankenheim NRW, Germany



Thank you for your reply . I have received my CentOS server as pre-installed
, with no CD accompanied . Is there any other way to fix the bug?

Thank you


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