[CentOS] NFS vs SMb vs iSCSI for remote backup mounts

Fri Jan 29 07:37:03 UTC 2010
Rudi Ahlers <rudiahlers at gmail.com>

On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 2:17 AM, Ross Walker <rswwalker at gmail.com> wrote:

> It's not easy backing up from behind the firewall.
> What about using a service that will backup the mobile clients to an
> offsite repository that is accessible also from behind the firewall.
> I was pitched something not too long ago about such a service, can't
> remember the name now unfortunately.
> Otherwise you could look into some sort of WebDAV + Fuse setup or some
> specialized file system that is cached on the client but then syncs with the
> server in the background when available, then all your backups are local.
> -Ross
> _______________________________________________
Hi Ross,

Backing up behind the firewall is made easy by using an SSH tunnel :)

We already have an offsite backup facility with a 3rd party, but I need more
control over the backups, and want to setup an inhouse backup server which
where all the client's account (this is hosting accounts & VPS's) be backed
up to, then this server will do an rsync with all the data to the offsite
backup server.

Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers

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