[CentOS] NFS vs SMb vs iSCSI for remote backup mounts

Fri Jan 29 10:27:49 UTC 2010
Rudi Ahlers <rudiahlers at gmail.com>

On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 12:12 PM, Geoff Galitz <geoff at galitz.org> wrote:

>  > The CIFS mounts can't be unmounted without a reboot,
> > so they build-up a pool of mounts to the same server which cause extra
> latency
> Is there an environmental restriction in your application or organization
> for this?  Normally CIFS mounts can umounted easily in runtime.

what do you mean by this?

>  At any rate... if I were in your shoes and really restricted to the
> options you propose, I would go with CIFS mounts through IPSEC tunnels.

Wouldn't IPSEC add more  overhead than an SSH tunnel?

> -geoff
> ---------------------------------
> Geoff Galitz
> Blankenheim NRW, Germany
> http://www.galitz.org/
> http://german-way.com/blog/
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Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers

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