[CentOS] mod_whatkilledus on Centos 5

Wed Jul 28 16:00:44 UTC 2010
John Doe <jdmls at yahoo.com>

From: Steve Campbell <campbell at cnpapers.com>

> I'm getting those generic segmentation faults on a Centos 5 htpd 
> 2.2.3-11  webserver. So far, I've not been able to track down what might 
> be close to  causing this. I've read about mod_whatkilledus, but don't 
> know if I can  install this in any way on my server or if it's still even 
> valid.
> Has  anyone used this? How was it installed, if so? I don't really want 
> to start  messing with configuring httpd, so I'd like to keep this simple 
> and  RPM-based if at all possible.

A bit related:
But I guess you would need and apache compiled with debuging symbols...