[CentOS] How to specify the default route?

Enrique Verdes EVerdes at conatel.com.uy
Tue Jun 22 00:27:32 UTC 2010

El lun, 21-06-2010 a las 19:57 -0400, Rick Thomas escribió:
> I have a machine with two net interfaces.
> it seems to always pick the wrong one (eth1) as the default route.
> I can change it with
> 	route del default
> 	route add default eth0
> after it's up (or in rc.local, of course), but I'd like to figure out  
> what I need to do this "the CentOS way" (e.g. edit some configuration  
> file? Run some config utility, what?) once and for all.
> Can somebody point me to the canonical documentation on the subject?   
> I've searched /usr/share/doc and the man pages, but I can't find  
> anything useful.
> Googling for "default route centos" gives some interesting stuff, but  
> nothing definitive.

Maybe I'm missing something, but why you specify an interface and not an
IP address as default gateway?

You can specify the gateway in the /etc/sysconfig/networking file or in
the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX, where X is the number of
the eth interface. The variable GATEWAY is used.

This files are read by /etc/init.d/network script, but probably this
script expect an IP address, should check the script to verify this.

It will be usefull if you send the output of the route -n command, and
the content of /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth{0,1} so we can
help you better.


> Thanks!
> Rick
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Enrique Verdes <EVerdes at conatel.com.uy>
Depto. de Ingeniería - CONATEL S.A.

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