[CentOS] cpuspeed settings??

Thu Jun 17 22:11:34 UTC 2010
Todd Denniston <Todd.Denniston at tsb.cranrdte.navy.mil>

ken wrote, On 06/17/2010 10:46 AM:
> The problem really is as I first stated.  And the solution-- good
> settings for /etc/sysconfig/cpuspeed-- is really what is needed (at
> least as far as can be discerned at this time).

looking in /etc/sysconfig/cpuspeed around MAX_SPEED= they suggest looking in

i.e. for me
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies
returns all good settings for the cpu frequencies.
which _for_the_laptop_I_have_ is
1700000 1400000 1200000 1000000 800000 600000
Setting either MAX_SPEED=1000000 or MIN_SPEED=800000, and restarting the system, has had desired
effect for me, i.e., keep the laptop from locking due to overheat.

However, Nicolas suggestion of messing with UP_THRESHOLD might be better for you, or should be done
in addition to messing with MIN_SPEED=
Todd Denniston
Crane Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC Crane)
Harnessing the Power of Technology for the Warfighter