[CentOS] New to VM

Thu Mar 4 03:32:24 UTC 2010
David Milholen <dmilholen at wletc.com>

 So the idea on VM is to have plenty of Drive space? Please excuse my 
obvious lack of knowledge on VM but I am so old school just having a 
single server with just a few drives only running a few
Apps like Httpd,mysqld,qmt-plus and dns.
I have managed these for so long on just a couple of machines but 
technology is changing and we are growing as a company and I have heard 
and read great things that can be done with VM.
I have another ibm Eserver with a couple of scsi 15k 50GB drives and 4 
GB of memory that I can configure from scratch to do VM or what ever I need.
 I guess I should start by asking how VM is configured and How does 
allocate resources on the server?
 BTW I am a big fan of this list and have been for quiet some time.

Les Mikesell wrote:
> On 3/3/2010 2:40 PM, David Milholen wrote:
>> For example if i have 2 ibm Eserver 326 with dual xeon 2.8ghz each with
>> 2 sata 200Gb drives.
>> how many virtual machines can be configured on those to run a couple of
>> mail servers and some network monitoring like ntop/nagios
>> possibly add domain hosting services on there also?
> That's still not enough information to be useful since there can be 
> several orders of magnitude in difference in the load of servers like 
> that.  I have a similar vintage machine with 4 gigs RAM and 6 scsi 
> drives running 3 low-usage servers under vmware server plus a slightly 
> busier mail server on the native host, but that wouldn't work for a busy 
> domain, especially if you are doing spam scanning on the email.
> In my case I was moving stuff that ran on older pentium 3 boxes with 1 
> gig RAM so the VM's were about equivalent.  You'll have trouble doing 
> much with just 2 SATA drives, though.
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