[CentOS] Motherboards for HPC applications

Mon Mar 8 18:33:50 UTC 2010
Peter Kjellstrom <cap at nsc.liu.se>

On Monday 08 March 2010, Eduardo Grosclaude wrote:
> Hello,
> Can somebody recommend CentOS-OK, dual socket motherboards for compute
> elements? A quick look up at Intel pages suggests they are thinking of
> them as "server boards", but then they recommend them as "for SMB",

There are no perticular HPC considerations. You typically want bang for the 
buck. Depending on how many servers you're aiming for you'll have to consider 
different factors.

You may want to look into buying complete servers from say Dell/HP (depending 
on your situation...).

Things you may be interested in:
 * Suitable pci-express connectors (Infiniband cards, GPUs, ...)
 * Lots of memory slots
 * Low price and good stability (reputation/experience)
 * IPMI management (if you're buying lots of servers)
 * Packaging (which box will this format of board fit in etc.)

YMMV etc. ...


> I'm somewhat puzzled about it.
> It would be nice to know what MBs you are using, pros and cons.
> Thank you in advance
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