[CentOS] Back to apcupsd

Tue Mar 16 15:32:07 UTC 2010
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

on 3-2-2010 2:13 PM m.roth at 5-cent.us spake the
> Ok, so another apc UPS 3000 complained about bad batteries, and I changed
> them out from the same order that I'd gotten in a couple of months ago.
> The APC SmartUPS 3000 started connecting and disconnecting the USB
> connection. I brought down and up the service, no joy.
> Finally, after googling, I found a *completely* undocumented way to start
> apcupsd, that a few years ago someone was told to try, so as to log
> debugging info, to send to a developer:
>    apcupsd -d1000 -T
> I've just skimmed the man page, and the online docs, and there is *no*
> mention of either parm. I found nothing in the logs.
> However, when I kill -HUPped it, and restarted the service, the USB stuff
> had stopped. Ok, one problem down.
> The change battery light's still on. I'll see if it still is in the
> morning. One thing I did note, while skimming the docs, and comparing my
> results from apcaccess, was that while the nominal voltage for the APC
> SmartUPS 3000 is 48V, the new batteries are showing 55.4V. Anyone have any
> idea if this could be why the replace battery light's on - it's more than
> 5V difference?
>       mark
The light might stay on until either the next battery test, or re-setting the
stored battery change date. I never have been able to get the date changed
from *nix. I usually used a windows laptop with APC software installed. It can
probably be done, just never spent a long time trying.

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