[CentOS] ssh slow

Thu May 6 15:39:46 UTC 2010
Khusro Jaleel <mailing-lists at kerneljack.com>

I've found that if I'm on an Ubuntu machine and SSHing to a Centos 5.4 
machine, it does the same thing, i.e. it sort of hangs for a while then 
comes back after about 10-15 secs with a login prompt.

I've found that editing the /etc/ssh/ssh_config (note ssh_config, NOT 
sshd_config) file on the Ubuntu box and *commenting out* the following 
fixes it immediately, without needing to restart anything:

    GSSAPIAuthentication yes
    GSSAPIDelegateCredentials no

Change the above 2 lines to

    #GSSAPIAuthentication yes
    #GSSAPIDelegateCredentials no

and try again.

On 06/05/10 13:25, ann kok wrote:
> but I put this to no
> the ssh is still slow
> any hints
> thank you