[CentOS] how to separate individual logs?

hadi motamedi motamedi24 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 30 04:52:30 UTC 2010

On 11/29/10, John Doe <jdmls at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Here is "The Power of CentOS"!!!  (in approximately 3 minutes...)
> cat edit.txt | while read LINE; do
>   echo "$LINE" | grep -q '>\.\.'
>   if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
>     LOGFILE=`echo $LINE | cut -d' ' -f1`.log
>   else
>     echo "$LINE" >> $LOGFILE
>   fi
> done
> JD
Thank you very much for your help. I tried for your code but I am
receiving the following error:
-bash:[1:command not found
-bash:$LOGFILE:ambiguous redirect
Can you please correct me?

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