[CentOS] FYI: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Release Candidate Available to Partners

Tue Oct 19 12:37:12 UTC 2010
Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org>

On 10/19/2010 01:31 PM, Jerry Franz wrote:
>> I am not a lawyer, but you blurb seems to indicate that the issue is
>> applicable to people with the object code, which would make my last
>> point valid.
> Only on v3 license code. Most code is still under v2.

and what license is the distro shipped as ?

>> Also, there are legalise around exactly what is considered a product /
>> code snippet / build script and distribution - which is what makes
>> things like NDA's workable.
> Actually, the GPL forbids using 'add on' agreements like NDAs that

And how does the GPL get involved in relationships and partnerships that 
exist between people ?

> Being as deeply involved in a FOSS exercise like CentOS as you are, you
> really should take the time to fully understand the license that enables
> it to happen at all.

I understand the basics, for everything else - there are lawyers.

- KB