[CentOS] 40TB File System Recommendations

Wed Apr 13 05:04:33 UTC 2011
Brandon Ooi <brandono at gmail.com>

On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 9:35 PM, Emmanuel Noobadmin
<centos.admin at gmail.com>wrote:

> Off-topic, but when you say add more disks, do you mean for the
> purpose of replacing failing disks or for expanding the array? I'm
> curious because on initial reading I read it to mean expanding the
> storage capacity of the array but thought it was currently not
> possible to expand a mdadm RAID 0 non-destructively.
centos 5 can expand raid 0/1/5. just not 6. 10 is just layered 0/1 so you
can expand it.
centos 6 will be able to expand raid6 as it was a feature in 2.6.20 or

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