[CentOS] php53 and MSSQL

Fri Apr 15 13:32:50 UTC 2011
John Beranek <john at redux.org.uk>

On 15/04/11 13:49, Phil Schaffner wrote:
> John Beranek wrote on 04/15/2011 07:45 AM:
>> On 15/04/11 12:23, John Beranek wrote:
>>> [Reposted now I've joined the list, so I hopefully don't get moderated out]
>>> Hi,
>>> I've upgraded lots of machines to 5.6 (thanks!) and there was one
>>> particular machine that I'd also like to upgrade to PHP 5.3.
>>> Unfortunately it seems I can't.
>>> On the machine I have php-mssql installed, and it appears that there is
>>> no php53-mssql.
>> I was going to see if I could rebuild the php53 SRPM support with MSSQL
>> support, until I found that the SRPMs still aren't available on the
>> CentOS mirrors yet. Downloading the upstream RPM now, will see how that
>> goes...
> I sound like a shill for IUS this morning - not the case I assure you - 
> but they have php53u-mssql-5.3.6-1.ius.el5

Well, I've now rebuilt the RHEL SRPM with mssql support. It's now built
in the openSUSE Build Service at:


Not ideal in that it's the while php53 SRPM, and additionally because
OBS is currently building with CentOS 5.5 instead of 5.6. The latter
issue has brought me to raise a bug in the OBS Bugzilla:

Update CentOS build to 5.6

Installed my built PHP 5.3 RPMs on the machine I wanted them on -
painful! Why do you need to remove the PHP 5.1 RPMs before you can
install the 'php53' ones, surely the php53 RPMs could have had
"Deprecated" lines!?


John Beranek                         To generalise is to be an idiot.
http://redux.org.uk/                                 -- William Blake

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