[CentOS] cross-platform email client

Mon Apr 18 18:06:59 UTC 2011
Rob Kampen <rkampen at kampensonline.com>

Florin Andrei wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Apr 2011 11:22:05 +1000
> Bob Hepple <bhepple at promptu.com> wrote:
>> A hearty vote for sylpheed from me - http://sylpheed.sraoss.jp/en/ ...
> I'm using it now on Linux, briefly tested it on Windows.
> Thumbs-down: scanning all the folders initially takes longer than Thunderbird. Every once in a while it re-scans them, during which time the folder list is not accessible.
> Thumbs-up: But it does that in a more predictable way than Thunderbird, and there are no mysterious lock-ups of the UI (when it re-scans, it clearly says so, and only the folder list panel is greyed out, not the Composer or whatnot).
> Maybe that's what Thunderbird does - re-scans the IMAP folders, but in a more sneaky way, and it's dumb enough to put a Big Lock on the whole interface. Hmm. I opened a bug report with them:
I had a look around and found claws-mail (rpm from rf) that appears to 
be a fork of sylpheed but more features according to wikipedia - 
installed just fine - very responsive - the re-scan does take time, 
however you know what's happening as it tells you - not like tbird - it 
justs locks for indeterminate times on random occasions.
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=650400
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