[CentOS] Dag's RHEL Rebuild Project.

Mister IT Guru

misteritguru at gmx.com
Wed Apr 13 10:47:13 UTC 2011

On Mon, 2011-04-11 at 22:23 -0400, Peter A wrote:
> On Monday, April 11, 2011 10:12:15 PM Antaryami Khuda wrote:
> > I see um twitter dag's want to start his own RHEL rebuild.
> > 
> > Dag how much monies you do need?
> > 
> > I make contribution of 5.000 rupee if other join.
> > 
> > Ant
> This is really disrespectful to talk about on here. The devs spent a ton of 
> their spare time to develop centos, last thing you should talk about is 
> starting competing projects... 
> Peter.

You have a point, but dammit - The world is changing. People expect
access to information when they hit the internet. As far as I see it, if
Dag wants to start his own project, he has my support, and buckets of
people from the RPM using world.

CentOS is an amazing project - but the truth is CentOS has it's own
objective, which what I understand is to maintain 100% binary
compatibility with RHEL.

I love this objective, but to be honest, as people who use open source
software, we above others should really understand that there is more
than one way to skin a cat. If Dag can get 100% binary compatibility
with an open build process that others can follow easily and contribute
to, you can bet your first born child that I will be there!

And to be honest - without competition, without urgency, where is the

My final point is, does it really matter who gets us to the goal of 100%
binary compatibility? I see that as a challenge. I really wish I had the
knowledge to get going on this - It's a noble goal, and that goal,
rather than the methods used to achieve it should take priority. We
should get as many people on this as possible.

HEY ORACLE! We know you've been riding on RHEL all these years, get some
of your devs to give some free time dammit! :)

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