[CentOS] can't list directories in ftp

Sat Aug 13 18:19:04 UTC 2011
Keith Roberts <keith at karsites.net>

On Sat, 13 Aug 2011, Tim Dunphy wrote:

> To: CentOS mailing list <centos at centos.org>
> From: Tim Dunphy <bluethundr at jokefire.com>
> Subject: Re: [CentOS] can't list directories in ftp
> Hello again, Barry
> Yes interestingly enough that seemed to do it for the 
> local test. This is odd, because I remember setting up 
> another ProFTPd server with this directive and never ran 
> into this issue.
> Nevertheless, once I commented out the MasqueradeAddress 
> directive it works locally.

I've NEVER had any problems with proftpd for myself, running 
on Centos 5.6 - it's always worked out of the box for me.

I use gFTP to login to my main machine from my laptops, even 
logged in from a Vista laptop to my Centos 5.6 machine via 
ftp, using WinSCP.

I have created 2 directories under my normal user acount, 
and just login using a GUI client like gFTP, and that takes 
me to my home directory. I use ~/FTP-OUT for placing files I 
want to get things from, and another directory called 
~/ftp-in for moving things to the main Centos machine. The 
ftp port is opened in my custom firewall to machines on the 
LAN side only. Works fine for me.

I know it's lazy, but if I can't be bothered to get up and 
walk to the main machine, I can always login via ssh to move 
things around on the main Centos box while I'm on the laptop ;)


Keith Roberts


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