[CentOS] How To for IPV6

Thu Aug 11 15:52:32 UTC 2011
Helmut Drodofsky <drodofsky at internet-xs.de>

I try to set up
-          A centos 6 firewall
-          With proxy-arp (I know: arp is not supported in ipv6)
with ipv6.
Arp does not exist for ipv6. So I have added: 
sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.default.proxy_ndp=1
To use the neighbor proxy facility.
How to activate ipv6 forwarding? As far as I have found, this changed in RHEL6 from 6.1 (/etc/sysconfig/network) to 6.2 (/etc/sysctl.conf). CentOS 6?
So I have used
                sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1 as in RHEL 6.2
As in ipv4 I would prefer to proxy the clients behind the firewall. 
eth0 is WAN, eth1 is LAN.
I have read to use
ip -6 neigh add proxy <ipv6 address of eth1> dev eth0
ip -6 neigh show
shows nothing.
Then I have tried
                Ip -6 neigh add proxy <ipv6 address of client> dev eth0
Same result.
Is there any How To for ipv6 routing and proxying for CentOS?
Best regards
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