[CentOS] mod_gnutls vs mod_ssl on centos 5

Thu Aug 25 12:22:50 UTC 2011
fakessh <fakessh at fakessh.eu>

hello centos network

I'm trying to set up mod_gnutls
in order to be able to offer more certificates on the same host and
same ip

mod_gnutls the package is placed in centos testing
Does it happen when the update depot
because I am bored of using a package that  is not present in the
Official Depository

I started to use this package with multiple encrypted url now I
do everything through 443 with mod_ssl we end up with a whole series
open port
No this is not really

ideas mod_gnutls

All your feedback will be welcome
 gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-key 092164A7
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