[CentOS] How to disable screen locking system-wide?

Thu Jan 20 16:29:34 UTC 2011
Giles Coochey <giles at coochey.net>

On 20/01/2011 17:11, Rudi Ahlers wrote:
> The message I'm trying to bring across is that users in the company
> shouldn't have passwords which admin doesn't know, or can't access.
> The PC's and data, well at least in our company, is the property of
> the company. Making it more difficult for an engineer to gain access
> to a user's PC automatically arises suspicion

Hi Rudi,

Your stance on this is counter-intuitive to me, are you able to cite any 
good reference which recommends that administrators know user passwords?

Best Regards,

Giles Coochey
NetSecSpec Ltd
NL T-Systems Mobile: +31 681 265 086
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Email/MSN/Live Messenger: giles at coochey.net
Skype: gilescoochey

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