[CentOS] centos 64 bit

Warren Young

warren at etr-usa.com
Wed Jul 13 16:03:52 UTC 2011

On 7/13/2011 7:27 AM, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:
> Code bloat... ah, yes, the joys of OOPs....

What does OOP have to do with this?

Doubling the pointer size affects C, awk....

Consider Erlang, a functional language, not OOP in any way at all, not 
even in the sidecar way of, say, Perl.  The most recent versions have a 
new build option that lets you build it as a 64-bit binary, except that 
it uses 64-bit pointers and ints only for a few "bulk data" type of 
things, such as ETS, its built-in memory-backed database system.  For 
everything else, it uses 32-bit values.

The resulting virtual machine emulator behaves like you'd built it as a 
32-bit executable -- 4 GB limits and all -- except when you go to access 
ETS or one of the few other things it accesses through 64-bit pointers. 
  Because the amount of data it is shuffling around is half the size it 
would be if you built it as a pure 64-bit application, it is measurably 
faster on some workloads.

There's no free lunch.  64-bit is not an unqualified good.

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