[CentOS] skype?

Wed Mar 16 20:54:34 UTC 2011
Akemi Yagi <amyagi at gmail.com>

On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 1:37 PM,  <m.roth at 5-cent.us> wrote:
> Well, at the urging of a friend who wants to talk face-to-face, I tried to
> install skype to my system at home (current CentOS 5.5). Got the fedora
> rpm; yum installed a library, then localinstalled skype, which is the
> current 2.1 beta.
> ldd shows an entry to linux-gate, which I don't have installed (or at
> least rpm tells me I don't). I try to run skype, and it complains about
> the version of glibc, even though I do have libstdc++.so.6.
> So, does anyone have any suggestions on a) how to get 2.1 beta working, or
> b) where I can find the *non* beta previous version...?

Try the static version. Here's the CentOS wiki:

