[CentOS] xferlog not rotating.

m.roth at 5-cent.us

m.roth at 5-cent.us
Fri May 20 14:56:59 UTC 2011

Ray Van Dolson wrote:
> On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 10:44:49AM -0400, Steven Crothers wrote:
>> It's a bit funny that logrotate is difficult to fix for you...
>> considering you have "System Engineer Sr. Professional" in your
>> signature...
> This gave me a chuckle. :)  Ah, the advantage of being a consultant or
> working at a tiny company where you can assign your own titles!

Or the company HR assigns titles, for other reasons. My very first
programming job - I hadn't finished my 2 yr degree, but I'd done all the
programming courses, gave me "sr. programmer I". A few months after I was
hired, I asked my buddy, the systems programmer (m'frame shop, long ago),
why I wasn't a jr. one, and he told me they'd gotten rid of all jr
programmer titles a couple years before, since they were eligible to join
the union.

We, of course, don't need no steenkin' unions, nor 40 hr weeks, nor....


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