[CentOS] 6.3 missing updates and packages

Mon Aug 20 16:12:01 UTC 2012
Leonard den Ottolander <leonard at den.ottolander.nl>

Hello Johnny,

On Mon, 2012-08-20 at 09:54 -0500, Johnny Hughes wrote:
> ovirt-node-1.9.3-28.1.el6
> ovirt-node is not in the upstream release for 6.3, nor is it in
> Scientific Linux or Oracle Linux for EL6. 

Do you mean there are no binaries in the upstream 6.3 tree for this?
That is weird, both TN 6.2 and TN 6.3 mention there are bug fixes for
this package.


> python-rhsm
> Desc:  "A Python library to communicate with a Red Hat Unified
> Entitlement Platform"
> This is not included in CentOS because it is used to comunicate with RHN
> ... we do not communicate with RHN.

You might want to remove the existing rpm from the repos then. Still
exists on C5.8 too.

Thank you for checking my list. Glad to see all packages are accounted
for. I will make sure to compile a list with exceptions and add some
sort of srpm to rpm name translation for source packages that do not
produce a package with the same name.

dmidecode-2.11-2.el6.src.rpm and dmidecode-2.11-2.el6_1.src.rpm only
differ in the changelog so no action required.

gnome-power-manager-2.28.3-6.el6.src.rpm and
gnome-power-manager-2.28.3-6.el6_2.src.rpm contents are exactly the same
(apart from mtime), so no action required.


mount -t life -o ro /dev/dna /genetic/research