[CentOS] fixing partition alignment ?

Natxo Asenjo

natxo.asenjo at gmail.com
Thu Dec 13 09:54:12 UTC 2012

On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 4:36 PM, Laurent Wandrebeck
<l.wandrebeck at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I've discovered that most of the hard drives used in our cluster got
> misaligned partitions, thus crippling perfs. Is there any way to fix
> that without having to delete/recreate properly aligned partitions, then
> format it and refill disks ?
> I'd be glad not to have to toy with moving several 10s of TB disk by
> disk :D (most disks are JBOD as we're using a fault tolerant network
> FS, moosefs not to name it).
> <insert your favorite search engine> wasn't helpful, unfortunately.
> Drives are ext4, driven by C6 x86_64.

boot the server with a gparted livecd / pxe ; move the partitions
around with an offset of 1MB at the start of the disk/volume. I do not
know if this trick will work with lvm, in this case you need to move
the data around and recreate the volumes with the correct offset.

Have fun!


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