[CentOS] Allow updates but not upgrades

Robert Nichols

rnicholsNOSPAM at comcast.net
Fri May 11 04:02:36 UTC 2012

On 05/10/2012 12:36 AM, Gregory Machin wrote:
> Hi.
> At the moment it seems my machines just update to the latest current
> release . I install a 6.0 machine and run yum update , and next thing
> its 6.2 .
> I have a requirement where I need machines to only upgrade to even
> numbered sub releases eg: 6.0 , 6.2, 6.4 and only on my approval. But
> will allow updates within a given release.
> How can I achieve this ?

It sounds like you would be happier with the Scientific Linux update paradigm.
There by default you stay at a particular point release receiving only later
security updates (along with any needed dependencies) until you manually
run yum with "releasever=" specifying the point release to which you wish to
upgrade.  You can still get the RHEL/CentOS automatic upgrade paradigm by
editing the .repo files and replacing "$releasever" with "6x" (that's a
literal "x"), but that's not how it works by default.

Bob Nichols     "NOSPAM" is really part of my email address.
                 Do NOT delete it.

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