[CentOS] died again

Wed Dec 4 17:42:36 UTC 2013
Michael Hennebry <hennebry at web.cs.ndsu.nodak.edu>

On Wed, 4 Dec 2013, Steve Clark wrote:

> Also did you check the Health Status in the BIOS, was the temperature in
> spec with what the chip spec is. You can run cpuburn (program) and see if
> running the processor full out causes it to shutdown.

Once upon a time, the CPU area temperature was 80 C,
which got a "BING! BING! BING!" from m.roth.

Also, the last time  checked I noticed that 5v was 5.263, more than 3% error.

On Tue, 3 Dec 2013, Thomas Dineen wrote:

>    It will be easier and cheaper to by a static grounding strap
> that you wear on your wrist and connect to a conducting part
> of the metal cabnet.

My plan involved a wire-wrap wire "bracelet" and a megohm resistor.
Connecting the other end to a bare metal part of the case is sufficient?
I don't need an actual ground?

Michael   hennebry at web.cs.ndsu.NoDak.edu
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