[CentOS] cheap cloud providors

Arun Khan knura9 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 17 13:19:30 UTC 2013

On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 2:10 AM, Tim Dunphy <bluethundr at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey guys,
>  Apologies in advance if this question is in poor taste. But I've really
> fallen in love with learning about the cassanrdra database. The only
> problem is that it doesn't run very well on an t1.micro instance at amazon
> and the larger sizes are quite expensive. An m1.small can do the trick,
> while still not optimal. So I was wonder if there was any real value in the
> cloud or even VPS world where I could setup a small Cassandra ring and go
> to town learning the ins and outs of how it operates.

A quick look for Cassandra system requirements:

recommends a L instance on AWS.

Alternately, you could do it with a bunch of guest VMs in LKVM.

A desktop with a Phenom II (4 or 6 cores) or Intel i5 with 16 GB and a
HDD to match your Cassandra db could be a starting point.

You can manage the VMs with virt-manager.

-- Arun Khan

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