[CentOS] CentOS 6.4 in the making perhaps?

Sat Mar 2 00:16:10 UTC 2013
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 03/01/2013 04:58 PM, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:
> Timothy Murphy wrote:
>> Johnny Hughes wrote:
>>>> On one of them I had (inadvertently) enabled the CentOS-CR repository.
>>>> I noticed that there were a huge number of updates (over 400 packages)
>>>> from this repository yesterday.
> <snip> ...
>>> This is basically 6.4 and it is going to be released in its entirety in
>>> less than a week to the main channel anyway.
>>> If you already updated the current packages with CR, I would leave CR
>>> enabled as I just pushed some more security updates there (to CR) this
>>> morning and will continue to do so until we release officially release
>>> 6.4.
>> Thanks very much.
>> I didn't realise it was your baby.
>> Now I feel much safer!
> I just used all the usual repos, and CR, on one of our 6.3 machines, did
> the update and rebooted, though I assume 6.4 isn't officially released,
> since lsb_release -a shows it still as 6.3

Right ... we do not put the new anaconda or centos-release in CR.  Those
are usually the only things to get updated after the full point release.

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