[CentOS] Setting up postfix under CentOS-6

Sun Sep 22 08:13:15 UTC 2013
Arun Khan <knura9 at gmail.com>

On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 3:33 PM, Timothy Murphy <gayleard at eircom.net> wrote:

> I recently, perhaps foolishly, changed over a remote server
> from sendmail/procmail to postfix/amavis/spamassassin/clamd ,
> and I'm finding it difficult to configure this setup.

It would have been helpful, if you had described briefly what was your
sendmail setup e.g. relaying mail through smart host, authenticating local
users before allowing relay etc.

> The CentOS document <http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/postfix>
> explicitly says that its instructions may not work in CentOS-6.
> Does anyone know of reasonably simple postfix documentation
> for CentOS-6?
What is the harm in trying out and finding for yourself?   Postfix's
main.cfhas all the conceivable configuration that most sites would

+1 to everyone's responses.

> I've been amazed how bad the postfix documentation is.
> It actually seems to be worse that sendmail documentation,
> which I thought established a record for this sort of thing.
> The official documentation at
> <http://www.postfix.org/documentation.html>
> is ludicrously wordy, with every conceivable option
> listed in random order.

I would suggest read the overview doc to see how the various modules work
together <http://www.postfix.org/OVERVIEW.html>

I abandoned sendmail and switched to postfix a long time ago and was glad
that RHEL6/CentOS6 has switched to it as the default MTA.  I found postfix
documentation easier to follow.   As with any software package, I budgeted
time for a little trial and error got it working for my requirements.

Alternately, you can try iRedMail.  It is a collection of scripts that
checks and installs all the requisite packages for an email server with
pop3+imap support + RoundCube web mail; it supports CentOS6.

Try it if you don't want to muck around hand editing conf files.   iRedMail
details <http://www.iredmail.org/>

Arun Khan
Sent from my non-iphone/non-android device