[CentOS] write barrier support in CentOS 6

Tue Apr 1 02:02:36 UTC 2014
Tom Robinson <tom.robinson at motec.com.au>


I've been looking for an answer to this question and can't find anything concrete that says full
support for write barriers has been backported to the stock kernel.

I've read that:

"There is incomplete write barrier support in kernel versions 2.6.32 and earlier (2.6.31 has some
support, while 2.6.33 works for all types of device target) - RHEL 6 uses 2.6.32."

Now, I understand that Red Hat (and therefore CentOS) backport many upstream features into the stock
kernel so how can I be sure that kernel 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6 has write barrier support?

Any clues, anyone?

Kind regards,


Tom Robinson
IT Manager/System Administrator

MoTeC Pty Ltd

121 Merrindale Drive
Croydon South
3136 Victoria

T: +61 3 9761 5050
F: +61 3 9761 5051   
E: tom.robinson at motec.com.au

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