[CentOS] Use postfix and spamd on CentOS 6 - looking for a shortest guide

Wed Aug 13 11:41:59 UTC 2014
Timothy Murphy <gayleard at alice.it>

Valeri Galtsev wrote:

> while you haven't settled on anything you could consider amavisd as
> well...

I'm using amavisd on a CentOS-6 server (with dovecot and spamassassin)
but I found it very difficult to setup.
The documentation for amavisd under CentOS is unbelievably bad.
In fact, the documentation on using postfix and postfix-related packages
under Linux is beginning to rival that for sendmail
when it first came out, before someone wrote sendmail.mc .

There are innumerable recipes involving bizarre (and unexplained) additions
to main.cf and master.cf (in /etc/postfix/).
I asked about one such recipe, and was advised that I would have to read
2 books on postfix before I could understand it.

I've never seen a 1-page document that said,
"These are the changes I made after downloading packages X, Y and Z."
And there are few if any tests to determine where email is going
if it is not going where you want it to.

Timothy Murphy  
e-mail: gayleard /at/ eircom.net
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland