[CentOS] Cemtos 7 : Systemd alternatives ?

Tue Jul 8 16:22:39 UTC 2014
Fabio Almeida <mentesan at gmail.com>

Hi all,

I’ll just say something about all this, I think mostly as a reflection, on my 15 years of Linux and Unix experience, as a user, as a network admin and as an Linux/Unix evangelist and Windows/Microsoft hater on my early years:

Systemd is a totally unnecessary change, it goes totally agains Unix philosophy.
But why not? Linux is already changing even POSIX standards by itself, regardless of any other Unix variant out there.
Linux already has proprietary firmwares, NDAs, and many other “non free” code/characteristics.
Linux is becoming a mess, today you can find software that runs just on specific distributions, Linux is becoming Windows in an awkward bad way, it’s is just not Microsoft, but when using on desktops, it crashes and get slow all the time, truly a Windows characteristic. 

Maybe if you use a Hardcore distribution, you can probably get rid of these bugs, some for sure, but any mainstream distribution out there nowadays, it’s a failure on the desktop, never thought I would say that, but besides the know malware base, Windows today is way better on the desktop, it’s is stable, it’s is fast, it’s easy on the user.

On the server side it’s still the best for some applications, mainly because it has more proprietary drivers than any other OpenSource Unix variant, so if you need bleeding edge (or not so new) enterprise class functionality, Linux may be your only choice besides Windows, so, for some applications, not a hard choice to make.

Thankfully there will always be the BSD family, I’m not a big fan of FreeBSD, but for sure it’s very attractive, probably faster on many situations and rock solid. On the security side, for me OpenBSD is still unbeatable for Firewall, VPN and any other application where disk I/O is not an issue, it’s the state of the art of functionality and simplicity, it just works, secure by default, thats it.

So let Linux be Linux, Unix is another story, Linux may have been Unix for some time, Unix will continue to be Unix, and from now on, Linux will continue his evolution towards something new, hope for the better, if not there will always be alternatives ;)

Just to be clear: I mean no flames, just want to share my reflections on the subject, I’m still a faithfully Linux User/Admin.

Fabio Almeida

Em 08/07/2014, à(s) 12:28, Oliver Schad <centos at automatic-server.com> escreveu:

> On Tue, 08 Jul 2014 09:04:59 -0500
> Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org> wrote:
>> And this is indeed the crux of the matter ... systemd is NOT just
>> about booting or boot up time (combing posts here .. but this is the
>> answer to, why use this on a server where fast booting is not
>> important).  
> Systemd is emacs for booting without extension capabilities - so at
> least with no clue.
> The whole idea is to put stuff into a DSL which can't be formulated
> with a not turing complete language. To build something, which has nice
> shortcuts for many things: fine. But that has nothing to do with
> systemd.
> What you could build is a event system with nice hooks to place your
> code. And you could use that for many things, when it's damn simple and
> fast.
> But systemd is everything but not stupid simple. It's only stupid.
> Best Regards
> Oli
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