[CentOS] Not To James B. Byrne

Thu Nov 13 18:44:15 UTC 2014
Darr247 <darr247 at gmail.com>

On 13 November 2014 @14:53 zulu, Elias Persson wrote:
> Presumably you've already got a filter set up for applying a label to 
> list mails.

Actually, on those 'dmarc=fail (p=REJECT/p=QUARANTINE' emails, 
Thunderbird ignores the filter that moves this list's emails into the 
local folder I have setup for it and instead puts them into the Spam 
folder... I have to manually go into the Spam folder in T-Bird and Mark 
them as Not Spam, then they're automatically moved back to the Inbox and 
my filter moves them to this list's folder.

Is the SELinux list run on a different mail server?
'cause I haven't seen any 'dmarc=fail' emails to *that* list end up in 
my Spam folder.