[CentOS] How to stagger fsck executions

Tue Apr 21 16:01:12 UTC 2015
Hugh E Cruickshank <hugh at forsoft.com>

From: Mark Milhollan Sent: April 21, 2015 05:35
> On Mon, 20 Apr 2015, Hugh E Cruickshank wrote:
> >CentOS 6
> >From ''man fstab'' ...
>        The sixth field, (fs_passno), is used by the fsck(8) 
> program to determine the order
>        in which filesystem checks are done at reboot time.  
> The root filesystem should  be
>        specified  with  a fs_passno of 1, and other 
> filesystems should have a fs_passno of
>        2.  Filesystems within a drive will be checked  
> sequentially,  but  filesystems  on
>        different  drives will be checked at the same time to 
> utilize parallelism available
>        in the hardware.  If the sixth field is not present or 
> zero, a  value  of  zero  is
>        returned and fsck will assume that the filesystem does 
> not need to be checked.

Thanks but changing the order of execution or executing them in
parallel does not help with executing them one per reboot.

Regards, Hugh

Hugh E Cruickshank, Forward Software, www.forward-software.com