[CentOS] CentOS Pre Release Updates CI tests

Wed Jul 8 15:16:24 UTC 2015
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

The CentOS project has been running Continuous Integration (aka CI)
process where we run checks from our t_functional suite on a daily basis
for quite a while now:


We will continue to run these daily as they provide good historical
info, but recently, we have adopted a practice of "Pre Release" testing
using the same t_functional suite.  So, from now on, we will need to get
a "Green" result on t_functional (or know what is failing and make a
decision that it is false positive) BEFORE we release any updates to
CentOS-5, CentOS-6 or CentOS-7.  Pre Release Update tests are here and
now part of the updates process before release of the packages:


If you have issues that need to be checked for, that we sometimes get
wrong (in this case, wrong means broken in CentOS an not in RHEL) ..
then you can update t_functional suite to test for that issue and we can
integrate it into the test suite.

You can checkout and run t_functional here:


* NOTE:* These tests make major changes on the machine where they are
run .. so they are *DESTRUCTIVE* to that environment and should only be
used on machines specifically built for testing that can be
rebuilt/reinstalled after the tests complete.   

Info on how to use t_functional is here:


We will accept new tests and changes that make sense via github with
discussions about the changes taking place on the CentOS-Devel mailing list.

If there is a nagging issue that you want tested for, feel free to fork
t_functional and create tests to make CentOS Linux better in the future.

Johnny Hughes

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