This ntp.conf file works fine with RedHat Enterprise 3.0 and below. However, it doesn't work with CentOS 4.1.<br><br>#authenticate no<br>#enable auth<br>driftfile /etc/ntp/drift<br>keys /etc/ntp/ntp.keys<br>server
<a href=""></a><br>fudge <a href=""></a> stratum 10<br>trustedkey 1<br>enable bclient<br>broadcastclient<br><br>This is the error reported in /var/log/messages:
<br><br>Sep 29 20:24:36 wsp-mich-74-1 ntpdate[9758]: step time server <a href=""></a> offset 0.033880 sec<br>Sep 29 20:24:36 wsp-mich-74-1 ntpd: succeeded<br>Sep 29 20:24:36 wsp-mich-74-1 ntpd[9766]: ntpd
<a href="mailto:4.2.0a@1.1190-r">4.2.0a@1.1190-r</a> Mon Feb 21 17:54:52 GMT 2005 (1)<br>Sep 29 20:24:36 wsp-mich-74-1 ntpd: ntpd startup succeeded<br>Sep 29 20:24:36 wsp-mich-74-1 ntpd[9766]: precision = 1.000 usec<br>Sep 29 20:24:36 wsp-mich-74-1 ntpd[9766]: Listening on interface wildcard,<br>Sep 29 20:24:36 wsp-mich-74-1 ntpd[9766]: Listening on interface lo,<br>Sep 29 20:24:36 wsp-mich-74-1 ntpd[9766]: Listening on interface eth0,<br>Sep 29 20:24:36 wsp-mich-74-1 ntpd[9766]: Listening on interface eth1,<br>Sep 29 20:24:36 wsp-mich-74-1 ntpd[9766]: kernel time sync status 0040<br><span style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(153, 0, 0);">Sep 29 20:24:36 wsp-mich-74-1 ntpd[9766]: Unable to listen for broadcasts, no broadcast interfaces available
</span><br style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(153, 0, 0);"><span style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(153, 0, 0);">Sep 29 20:24:36 wsp-mich-74-1 ntpd[9766]: Unable to listen for broadcasts, no broadcast interfaces available
</span><br style="font-weight: bold;">Sep 29 20:27:50 wsp-mich-74-1 ntpd[9766]: synchronized to LOCAL(0), stratum 10<br>Sep 29 20:34:04 wsp-mich-74-1 -- MARK --<br><br>Has anyone gotten broadcastclient to work?<br>