Hi All, <br><br>I installed clam on CentOS 5 as below. <br><br>yum install clamav clamav-db clamd<br><br>I got them form Dag. <br><br>below are the RPMS I installed. <br>[root@box ~]# rpm -qa |grep clam<br>clamav-db-0.90.2-1.el4.rf
<br>clamd-0.90.2-1.el4.rf<br>clamav-0.90.2-1.el4.rf<br><br><br>But, when I restart clam it gives following error. <br><br>[root@box init.d]# /etc/init.d/clamd restart<br>Stopping Clam AntiVirus Daemon: [FAILED]
<br>Starting Clam AntiVirus Daemon: [ OK ]<br><br>[root@box init.d]# tail -f /var/log/clamav/clamd.log<br>Wed May 16 10:46:43 2007 -> +++ Started at Wed May 16 10:46:43 2007<br>Wed May 16 10:46:43 2007 -> clamd daemon
0.90.2 (OS: linux-gnu, ARCH: i386, CPU: i386)<br>Wed May 16 10:46:43 2007 -> Log file size limit disabled.<br>Wed May 16 10:46:43 2007 -> Reading databases from /var/clamav<br>Wed May 16 10:46:43 2007 -> ERROR: Unable to open file or directory
<br>Wed May 16 10:46:43 2007 -> +++ Started at Wed May 16 10:46:43 2007<br>Wed May 16 10:46:43 2007 -> clamd daemon 0.90.2 (OS: linux-gnu, ARCH: i386, CPU: i386)<br>Wed May 16 10:46:43 2007 -> Log file size limit disabled.
<br>Wed May 16 10:46:43 2007 -> Reading databases from /var/clamav<br>Wed May 16 10:46:43 2007 -> ERROR: Unable to open file or directory<br><br>This happens with clamav-0.90.<br><br>I am ruuning clamav-0.88 on CentOS
4.4. It works fine. below are RPMS I installed on CENTOS 4.4 <br><br>[root@netmonitor ~]# rpm -qa |grep clam<br>clamav-0.88.7-1.el4.rf<br>clamd-0.88.7-1.el4.rf<br>clamav-db-0.88.7-1.el4.rf<br><br>I tried a lot to solve this issue. But still have not been able to solve.
<br><br>Help needed. <br><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Thank you<br>Indunil Jayasooriya<br>