Hi, <br><br>I attached a mobile phone (its name I-MATE SMART PHONE) to a box running CentOS 5 by using a usb cable which came with that phone.<br><br>Now, it shows /dev/ttyUSB0 <br><br>Now I want to send a sms to my friends.
<br><br>I installed gammu. Pls see below for installed rpm. <br><br>[root@mailgw ~]# rpm -qa |grep gammu<br>gammu-1.11.0-1.el5.rf<br><br>here's my /etc/gammurc file. <br><br><br>[gammu]<br>port = /dev/ttyUSB0
<br>;model = 6110<br>connection = dlr3<br>;synchronizetime = yes<br>;logfile = gammulog<br>;logformat = textall<br>;use_locking = yes<br>;gammuloc = locfile<br>;startinfo = yes<br>;gammucoding = utf8<br>;rsslevel = teststable
<br>;usephonedb = yes<br><br>[gammu1]<br>port = /dev/ttyUSB1<br>;model = 6110<br>connection = dlr3<br>;synchronizetime = yes<br>;logfile = gammulog<br>;logformat = textall<br>;use_locking = yes<br>
;gammuloc = locfile<br>;startinfo = yes<br>;gammucoding = utf8<br><br><br>I tried to send an SMS to my phone. So I issued the below command. <br><br>[root@mailgw ~]# echo hello | gammu --sendsms TEXT 0714857135<br>Error setting device DTR or RTS.
<br><br>Then, it gave the above error. <br><br>How can solve this. or is there another better pkg for it? <br><br><br><br><br><br><br clear="all"> <br>-- <br>Thank you<br>Indunil Jayasooriya<br>