how can I use my previous /home partion under a new installation of cent0S5?<br>
Is it something like:<br>
mount it<br>
chown it (so the UIDs match)<br>
fstab it (suggestions here pelase)<br>
Was using fc6 that died in an update (I think XP under vm ware crashed) and segfaulted on reboot.<br>
Wanted to go to centOS anyway so...<br>
Um, the /home is a mirrored raid device across 2 disks. I can mount it fine.<br>
Sorry if this seems so simple to find it on google. I searched around
and thought I'd ask before going further thinking maybe someone has a
howto or would suggest a reinstall of centOS5 with it pointed to the
/home directory I'd like to use. Wasn't sure how to do that without
reformatting is though.<br>
I doubt this is relevant at this moment but the previous installation was i686 and the new on is x86_64<br>
Thanks and happy to be finallying using centOS<br><br>Shawn<br>