For reasons which escape me, my VMWare Server, which was working perfectly a week ago when I shut down my machine for vacation, no loner comes up with the formerly working Windows XP system - it just stays in the small window where it normally boots and does nothing.
<br><br>The vmware serverd log shows nothing particularly interesting, and I have reconfigured the vmware twice to try and fix this (which interestingly enough could not find the vmware modules for my os either time).<br>
<br>I am running CentOS 5.0 with all the latest updates through this morning, plus a 2.6.18-8.1.8 kernel with NTFS file system support compiled in as a module, and vmware server shows this:<br><br>$ vmware -v<br>/usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware: /usr/lib/vmware/lib/ no version information available (required by /usr/lib/
<br>VMware Server 1.0.3 build-44356<br><br>(Not sure what that note about libpng12 means....)<br><br>Here is the server log's tail:<br><br>Jul 30 17:57:48: app| SP: Retrieved username: mhr<br>Jul 30 17:57:54: app| Adding to list of running vms: /F/vmware/Windows XP Professional/Windows XP
Professional.vmx<br>Jul 30 17:57:54: app| Attempting to launch vmx : /F/vmware/Windows XP Professional/Windows XP Professional.vmx<br>Jul 30 17:57:55: app| New connection on socket server-vmxvmdb from host localhost (ip address: local) , user: mhr
<br>Jul 30 17:57:55: app| Connection from : /F/vmware/Windows XP Professional/Windows XP Professional.vmx<br>Jul 30 17:57:55: app| Setting up autoDetect info.<br>Jul 30 17:57:55: app| VMServerdConnect: connecting to /F/vmware/Windows XP Professional/Windows XP
Professional.vmx<br>Jul 30 17:57:55: app| Connected to /F/vmware/Windows XP Professional/Windows XP Professional.vmx<br><br>It is now 18:43 and the window is still hung.<br><br>Any suggestions or clues? This is the first glitch I've had with vmware server on CentOS 5.