Folks, <br><br>I am terribly puzzled by an issue reported as bug 2381 [] — definitely an upstream bug, as it does the same under X/OS 5 and StartCom 5.<br><br>Simply put: Hibernation fails with horrendous I/O errors after swsusp starts dumping to swap.<br><br>What bugs me is that hibernating from the CentOS 5 LiveCD *works*!!! (on the same hardware)<br><br>How could I investigate to see what is the relevant difference between the LiveCD and the installed system, WRT suspend-to-disk?<br><br>It has been said that "CentOS 5 i386 Live CD is based on the ADIOS Live CD Project", but also that "CentOS Project would like to thank Patrice Guay for the creation of this CD". Who is supposed to know better about this issue?<br><br>Also, how could I check if upstream has a similar bug report? I don't have any RHN acct.<br><br>It's a shame that RHEL5 && clones fail to work properly with a specific laptop (Acer Travelmate 5310/5320/5710/5720
have the same architectural design), but an ad-hoc LiveCD works!<br><br>Thanks,<br>R-C<br><br><br><p>
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