Hello,<br><br>I'm beginning to give up on making Linux-HA's heartbeat work for my environment (CentOS x86_64) and am wondering what other option have I got to help me:<br>1. Use IPVS to maintain a cluster of virtual servers, either master/slave or load-balanced.
<br>2. Use DRBD in master/slave fashion to keep a home-grown application highly-available.<br><br>The first thing I stumbled upon is RedHat Cluster Suite (<a href="http://www.linuxtopia.org/online_books/centos_linux_guides/centos_cluster_configuration_and_management/">
http://www.linuxtopia.org/online_books/centos_linux_guides/centos_cluster_configuration_and_management/</a>), from which I also saw some packages on my CentOS servers.<br><br>I've never heard of it before and am just starting to dig its docs, but if someone here can confirm/deny that this is a possible route to take it might save me some time or doubts.