.hmmessage P
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> It sounds like you are very used to the 'Windows' way of doing things.<BR>> I don't recommend creating a directory in the root filesystem for this<BR>> purpose. Its a bad idea, and not even a good idea in Windows.<BR>> <BR>> Is there any real need to deny outsiders access to your genealogy site?<BR>> You would probably get much help from outsiders (long-forgotten 2nd<BR>> cousins etc) who stumble upon your site.<BR><BR>
Yes you are probabally right, just curious though about using apache <BR>
access control for a site, never did it before, maybe at some point I'll have<BR>
a use for it. Question though, if my permissions are set properly, to maybe 555 or 644 and<BR>
the directories are owned by apache, then does it really matter where the<BR>
directory is? Or is it much easier to hack if it's in the root file system? If so,<BR>
why is it easier to hack?<BR>
> <BR>> This solution you are wanting, is not often used because of its<BR>> inflexibility. I only see it used by extreme noobs, wanting to<BR>> password-protect an area of their site. While family members will have<BR>> their interest piqued by having access to a 'secret' site, their<BR>> interest may wane at the annoyance of having to enter a user/password<BR>> each time and 'disappear' once the initial novelty wears off.<BR><BR>
You are prob. correct there. I guess the only reason why I thought<BR>
a password protected site would be a good idea, is because I am using<BR>
phpgedview, and names are viewable and anyone can edit it who has a phpgedview account.<BR>
I figured that people still living who want to add their personal infomration to the<BR>
family tree might be less likely to do so if they think their names and personal info<BR>
are publically view able.<BR>
> If you are wanting 'security through obscurity', an even quicker<BR>> solution is simply to place an index.html file in your web<BR>> directory /var/www/html<BR>> This will stop a casual user from browsing and getting a listing of<BR>> files at your site, since they will get a blank page if they go to<BR>> www.yoursite.com<BR>> Now add a directory (say) /familygenealogy2 and put all your genealogy<BR>> web files in this directory.<BR>> So for any member of your family to browse the site, they just need to<BR>> point the browser to (and bookmark) www.yoursite.com/familygenealogy2<BR>> and once there. can browse any file you have placed.<BR>> This will have the same security as requiring a user/password, since<BR>> no-one can see the files unless they know the<BR>> directory /familygenealogy2 exists.<BR>> I really, really would choose this solution, rather than a single<BR>> user/password.<BR>
Your secirity through obscurity idea is a good one for static pages,<BR>
but my hope is that other distant family members will want to add their info<BR>
and that maybe they would be hesitant to do so if they think others on the <BR>
net can see it. I have a robots.txt User-Agent: *<BR>Disallow: / file, but don't some search engines still ignore them?<BR>
Anyway maybe I am just overly concerned about this privacy thing.<BR><BR><BR><br /><hr />Get in touch in an instant. <a href='http://www.windowslive.com/messenger/overview.html?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_Refresh_getintouch_042008' target='_new'>Get Windows Live Messenger now.</a></body>