Hi all.<br><br>I try to install CentOS 4 x64 on HP Proliant ML G6. Anaconda doesn't correctly recognise the DVD-RW drive despite the fact that the installation starts from it. Also when I choose network (HTTP/FTP) installation type the ethernet card isn't correctly recognized. On HP website there aren't any drivers to use during installation only rpms and source rpms which (as I think) are useless at install time and can be used only when the system is installed.<br>
<br>I also tried CentOS 5 x64 and there are no problems with my hardware then, the installation is ok.<br><br>DVD-RW is: HP Super Multi DVD Rewriter GH40L E2C<br>NIC is: HP NC107i Integrated PCI Express Gigabit Server Adapter<br>
<br>What should I do? Where to start from to solve the problem?<br><br>With regards,<br>R.<br><br>