Greetings,<br><br>Apologies for Off thread (and possibly stupid) question: Where on the net one can find the RHEV-M general list like this one for centos<br><br><rant><br>I have been tearing my hair for past week to make RHEV work with two boxens. One RHEV H and one running XP with two VMs uner VMware WS. One VM is openfiler for iscsi storage and another VM w2k3 for RHEVM. Search in foogle for the error "Network conenction error 5022" does not allow creation of the storage domain with couple of iscsi storage (openfiler) targets. <br>
<br>I troubled google uncle for answers but perhaps is angry with me. sigh.<br><br>And I know only *ONE* list which knows all the correct answers: centos [at] <a href=""></a><br></rant><br>
<br>Thanks for any pointers.<br><br>Regards,<br><br>Rajagopal<br>