hello,<br><br>I have a situation where I am using PXE and kickstart to <br>install my machines.<br><br>My set up is as follows:<br><br>i have a cobbler server which is also an mrepo mirror doing the <br>booting.<br><br>my mrepo tree has both disc1 and disc2 loop mounted, and RPMS.os <br>
symlinks both the discs contens to generate the unified os tree. This all works fine.<br><br>My issue is with the kickstart, if i use the disc1 as the url (like below) when it tries to <br>install a package that is on disc2, it still looks for it in the disc1 location. <br>
<br>Below is a snippet of my kickstart file (which works great if i do not select any packages <br>that reside on the disc2 of the centos install (All discs have been verified as working<br>via sha an md5 checksums). <br>
<br>url --url=<a href="http://mrepo/mrepo/centos6-x86_64/disc1">http://mrepo/mrepo/centos6-x86_64/disc1</a><br>repo --name=os --baseurl=<a href="http://mrepo/mrepo/centos6-x86_64/RPMS.os">http://mrepo/mrepo/centos6-x86_64/RPMS.os</a><br>
<br>selinux --permissive<br>install<br>lang en_US.UTF-8<br>keyboard us<br>skipx<br>rootpw <br>firewall --disabled<br>authconfig --enableshadow --enablemd5<br><br>%packages<br>redhat-lsb<br>rubygems<br>puppet<br>%end<br><br>