CentOS Errata and Security Advisory 2015:0766 Critical
Upstream details at : https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2015-0766.html
The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently
syncing to the mirrors: ( sha256sum Filename )
152df526f573624fe1b0cda5a79791ac3e07cdb503d77f1f549f482eb84afefc firefox-31.6.0-2.el6.centos.i686.rpm
152df526f573624fe1b0cda5a79791ac3e07cdb503d77f1f549f482eb84afefc firefox-31.6.0-2.el6.centos.i686.rpm
a366b4c67f3479ae31e58732c2bc70052b1208bc5d90df90bdaefc7af45686d6 firefox-31.6.0-2.el6.centos.x86_64.rpm
73c2eb699fab240fbbd4add90f8b677717997cbdeb074478299448de35dde7b9 firefox-31.6.0-2.el6.centos.src.rpm
Johnny Hughes
CentOS Project { http://www.centos.org/ }
irc: hughesjr, #centos(a)irc.freenode.net
CentOS Errata and Security Advisory 2015:0767 Important
Upstream details at : https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2015-0767.html
The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently
syncing to the mirrors: ( sha256sum Filename )
205a76001ac677e76ca9455fdebf2ddcdaaaf9cff8523651db23a8c1e444d03e flac-1.2.1-7.el6_6.i686.rpm
d94f598802b99072e9b1305e2df53818f405b8e386bd8e3c9fb828512d2a3e4c flac-devel-1.2.1-7.el6_6.i686.rpm
205a76001ac677e76ca9455fdebf2ddcdaaaf9cff8523651db23a8c1e444d03e flac-1.2.1-7.el6_6.i686.rpm
7211ff37e92c809f2d12ce6ea81059087df14fdfd2f59c2eba810d7b47112767 flac-1.2.1-7.el6_6.x86_64.rpm
d94f598802b99072e9b1305e2df53818f405b8e386bd8e3c9fb828512d2a3e4c flac-devel-1.2.1-7.el6_6.i686.rpm
4cd1b17727a058548b5496bd0517597c7c315c3cbf97165d0abee4af02df6882 flac-devel-1.2.1-7.el6_6.x86_64.rpm
6c5a6bf61baa48c63f2f529d836888f7b5b2efce964dd212bde4bb1cd74d9282 flac-1.2.1-7.el6_6.src.rpm
Johnny Hughes
CentOS Project { http://www.centos.org/ }
irc: hughesjr, #centos(a)irc.freenode.net
CentOS Errata and Bugfix Advisory 2015:0760
Upstream details at : https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2015-0760.html
The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently
syncing to the mirrors: ( sha256sum Filename )
f0d4b9bb77475b478fbe1a71902ccf3978647ac9203d59baaa9ef33867993acb authconfig-6.1.12-23.el6.i686.rpm
b6381f66d12c88d7c5bbce0fc0d8d2e92f86e91675ee91b12e5ac00dc6f59566 authconfig-gtk-6.1.12-23.el6.i686.rpm
cea9c8c88afea1343dcc38a87d8dccb41f5426c9cfb6685f4357896e2481193f authconfig-6.1.12-23.el6.x86_64.rpm
62cb71b2b566a002c60965ca4e9c8468b0bc0a6ab4a98251930b77dff14add0b authconfig-gtk-6.1.12-23.el6.x86_64.rpm
65d1826ece252549cd6773134750d910e9e3287cb0d38621e68b6222fe14a239 authconfig-6.1.12-23.el6.src.rpm
Johnny Hughes
CentOS Project { http://www.centos.org/ }
irc: hughesjr, #centos(a)irc.freenode.net
We would like to announce the general availability of CentOS Linux 7
(1503) for 64 bit x86 compatible machines.
This is the second major release for CentOS-7 and is tagged as 1503.
This build is derived from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1
As always, read through the Release Notes at :
http://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOS7 - these notes
contain important information about the release and details about some
of the content inside the release from the CentOS QA team. These notes
are updated constantly to include issues and incorporate feedback from
the users.
Updates, Sources, and DebugInfos
This merges in all base, updates, and CR (continuous release) components
released in the month of March 2015. If you have been using the CR repos
on your previous CentOS Linux 7 install, you already have all the
components used to compose this new release.
As with all CentOS Linux 7 components, this release was built from
sources hosted at git.centos.org. In addition, SRPMs that are a
byproduct of the build (and also considered critical in the code and
buildsys process) are being published to match every binary RPM we
release. Sources will be available from vault.centos.org in their own
dedicated directories to match the corresponding binary RPMs. Since
there is far less traffic to the CentOS source RPMs compared with the
binary RPMs, we are not putting this content on the main mirror network.
If users wish to mirror this content they can do so using the reposync
command available in the yum-utils package. All CentOS source RPMs are
signed with the same key used to sign their binary counterparts.
Developers and end users looking at inspecting and contributing patches
to the CentOS Linux distro will find the code hosted at git.centos.org
far simpler to work against. Details on how to best consume those are
documented along with a quick start at : http://wiki.centos.org/Sources
Debuginfo packages are also being signed and pushed. Yum configs shipped
in the new release file will have all the context required for debuginfo
to be available on every CentOS Linux install.
This release supersedes all previously released content for CentOS Linux
7, and therefore we highly encourage all users to upgrade their
machines. Information on different upgrade strategies and how to handle
stale content is included in the Release Notes.
For the CentOS-7 build and release process we adopted a very open
process. The output of the entire buildsystem is made available, as it
is built, at http://buildlogs.centos.org/ - we hope to continue with
that process for the life of CentOS Linux 7, and hope to attempt
bringing CentOS-5 and CentOS-6 builds into the same system.
Release file handling
This release splits the /etc/centos-release from /etc/redhat-release to
better indicate the relationship between the two distributions. There
are also changes to the /etc/os-release file to incorporate changes
needed by the new abrt stack.
In order to conserve donor bandwidth, and to make it possible to get
the mirror content sync'd out as soon as possible, we recommend using
torrents to get your initial installer images:
Details on the images are available on the mirrors at
http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/isos/x86_64/0_README.txt - that file
clearly highlights the difference in the images, and when one might be
more suitable than the others.
The sizes, sha256 sums and torrents for the ISO files:
* CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-1503.iso
Size: 591396864
* CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1503.iso
Size: 4236247040
* CentOS-7-x86_64-Everything-1503.iso
Size: 7517241344
* CentOS-7-x86_64-LiveGNOME-1503.iso
Size: 1124073472
* CentOS-7-x86_64-LiveKDE-1503.iso
Size: 1310720000
* CentOS-7-x86_64-LiveCD-1503.iso
Size: 729808896
* CentOS-7-x86_64-NetInstall-1503.iso
Size: 377487360
The iso files are also available for direct download from
* CentOS 7 1503 Docker Container: ' docker pull centos' will now give
you the 1503 container image. You can see the official CentOS
Linuxcontainer tags at : https://registry.hub.docker.com/_/centos/
Special Interest Groups
The CentOS Linux distribution is built, managed, and released by the
CentOS Core SIG. In addition, we also have the following SIGs that are
doing an amazing job expanding and building on the base Linux platform:
* Cloud SIG @ http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Cloud is
working to deliver various cloud controller infrastructure including
OpenStack. They have a fully functional, feature complete RDO stack now
available for testing with CentOS Linux 7 at
* Cloud Instance SIG @
http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/CloudInstance aims to
deliver VM images for use in various cloud and virtualised ecosystems
including AWS
and Docker ( https://registry.hub.docker.com/_/centos/ )
* Virtualization SIG @
http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Virtualization includes
upstream virtualization and hypervisor related projects including Xen
http://www.xenproject.org ), oVirt ( http://www.ovirt.org/ ), and Docker
( http://docker.io ). They also work to build and release
support tools around these virtualization technologies.
* Storage SIG @ http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Storage
includes the Gluster Project ( http://www.gluster.org/ ), Ceph
(http://ceph.com ), OpenAFS ( http://www.openafs.org ) and the SCST
project ( http://scst.sourceforge.net/ ). Gluster builds for CentOS,
that track upstream community code are available for testing now at
* Software Collections SIG @
http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/SCLo is working on
documenting and then delivering software collections built for newer
versions of in-distro content. Their aim is to deliver a community and
contributor friendly mechanism for SCL's in an easy to consume format.
* Atomic SIG @ http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Atomic is
working on building, maintaining, and delivering a CentOS Atomic host (
http://projectatomic.io ). Testing and development builds including AWS
EC2 instances and Vagrant boxes are now available at
In addition to these, the CentOS Artwork and CentOS Promo SIGs help with
promo content and helping organise Dojos around the world.
SIGs are a great way for people to come together and deliver content
around a specific area into the wider CentOS ecosystem and we welcome
groups to come together with low barriers to entry and plenty of
resources to offer the groups. Details on the process can be found at
We try and organise Dojos in various parts of the world as a one day
event, to bring together people who use CentOS and others who are keen
to learn about CentOS. The day's focus is on sharing technical knowledge
and success stories. It's also a great place to meet and talk about
upcoming technologies and learn how others are using them on CentOS Linux.
In the coming months we hope to host events in London, Bangalore,Sweden,
Germany, Spain, and in many parts of the USA. If you would like to help
organise a Dojo, do drop by the centos-promo list at
Getting Help
The CentOS ecosystem is sustained by community driven help and guidance.
The best place to start for new users is at
This release was made possible due to the hard work of many people,
foremost on that list are the Red Hat Engineers for producing a great
distribution, without them CentOS Linux would look very different.
We are also looking for people to get involved with the QA process in
CentOS, if you would like to join this please introduce yourself on the
centos-devel list (http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos-devel ).
I would also like to thank our donors and sponsors for their continued
support for the project. And to everyone who contributed with ideas,
code, test feedback, and promoting CentOS Linux into the ecosystem.
Karanbir Singh, Project Lead, The CentOS Project
+44-207-0094455 | http://www.centos.org/ | twitter.com/CentOS
Hash: SHA1
We would like to announce the general availability of CentOS Linux 7
(1503) for 64 bit x86 compatible machines.
This is the second major release for CentOS-7 and is tagged as 1503.
This build is derived from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1
As always, read through the Release Notes at :
http://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOS7 - these notes
contain important information about the release and details about some
of the content inside the release from the CentOS QA team. These notes
are updated constantly to include issues and incorporate feedback from
the users.
- ----------
Updates, Sources, and DebugInfos
This merges in all base, updates, and CR (continuous release)
components released in the month of March 2015. If you have been using
the CR repos on your previous CentOS Linux 7 install, you already have
all the components used to compose this new release.
As with all CentOS Linux 7 components, this release was built from
sources hosted at git.centos.org. In addition, SRPMs that are a
byproduct of the build (and also considered critical in the code and
buildsys process) are being published to match every binary RPM we
release. Sources will be available from vault.centos.org in their own
dedicated directories to match the corresponding binary RPMs. Since
there is far less traffic to the CentOS source RPMs compared with the
binary RPMs, we are not putting this content on the main mirror
network. If users wish to mirror this content they can do so using the
reposync command available in the yum-utils package. All CentOS source
RPMs are signed with the same key used to sign their binary
counterparts. Developers and end users looking at inspecting and
contributing patches to the CentOS Linux distro will find the code
hosted at git.centos.org far simpler to work against. Details on how
to best consume those are documented along with a quick start at :
Debuginfo packages are also being signed and pushed. Yum configs
shipped in the new release file will have all the context required for
debuginfo to be available on every CentOS Linux install.
This release supersedes all previously released content for CentOS
Linux 7, and therefore we highly encourage all users to upgrade their
machines. Information on different upgrade strategies and how to
handle stale content is included in the Release Notes.
For the CentOS-7 build and release process we adopted a very open
process. The output of the entire buildsystem is made available, as it
is built, at http://buildlogs.centos.org/ - we hope to continue with
that process for the life of CentOS Linux 7, and hope to attempt
bringing CentOS-5 and CentOS-6 builds into the same system.
- ----------
Release file handling
This release splits the /etc/centos-release from /etc/redhat-release
to better indicate the relationship between the two distributions.
There are also changes to the /etc/os-release file to incorporate
changes needed by the new abrt stack.
- ----------
In order to conserve donor bandwidth, and to make it possible to get
the mirror content sync'd out as soon as possible, we recommend using
torrents to get your initial installer images:
Details on the images are available on the mirrors at
http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/isos/x86_64/0_README.txt - that file
clearly highlights the difference in the images, and when one might be
more suitable than the others.
The sizes, sha256 sums and torrents for the ISO files:
* CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-1503.iso
Size: 591396864
* CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1503.iso
Size: 4236247040
* CentOS-7-x86_64-Everything-1503.iso
Size: 7517241344
- -1503.torrent
* CentOS-7-x86_64-LiveGNOME-1503.iso
Size: 1124073472
* CentOS-7-x86_64-LiveKDE-1503.iso
Size: 1310720000
* CentOS-7-x86_64-LiveCD-1503.iso
Size: 729808896
* CentOS-7-x86_64-NetInstall-1503.iso
Size: 377487360
- -1503.torrent
The iso files are also available for direct download from
* CentOS 7 1503 Docker Container: ' docker pull centos' will now give
you the 1503 container image. You can see the official CentOS Linux
container tags at : https://registry.hub.docker.com/_/centos/
- ----------
Special Interest Groups
The CentOS Linux distribution is built, managed, and released by the
CentOS Core SIG. In addition, we also have the following SIGs that are
doing an amazing job expanding and building on the base Linux platform:
* Cloud SIG @ http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Cloud is
working to deliver various cloud controller infrastructure including
OpenStack. They have a fully functional, feature complete RDO stack
now available for testing with CentOS Linux 7 at
* Cloud Instance SIG @
http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/CloudInstance aims to
deliver VM images for use in various cloud and virtualised ecosystems
including AWS (
) and Docker ( https://registry.hub.docker.com/_/centos/ )
* Virtualization SIG @
http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Virtualization includes
upstream virtualization and hypervisor related projects including Xen
( http://www.xenproject.org ), oVirt ( http://www.ovirt.org/ ), and
Docker ( http://docker.io ). They also work to build and release
support tools around these virtualization technologies.
* Storage SIG @ http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Storage
includes the Gluster Project ( http://www.gluster.org/ ), Ceph (
http://ceph.com ), OpenAFS ( http://www.openafs.org ) and the SCST
project ( http://scst.sourceforge.net/ ). Gluster builds for CentOS,
that track upstream community code are available for testing now at
* Software Collections SIG @
http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/SCLo is working on
documenting and then delivering software collections built for newer
versions of in-distro content. Their aim is to deliver a community and
contributor friendly mechanism for SCL's in an easy to consume format.
* Atomic SIG @ http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Atomic is
working on building, maintaining, and delivering a CentOS Atomic host
( http://projectatomic.io ). Testing and development builds including
AWS EC2 instances and Vagrant boxes are now available at
In addition to these, the CentOS Artwork and CentOS Promo SIGs help
with promo content and helping organise Dojos around the world.
SIGs are a great way for people to come together and deliver content
around a specific area into the wider CentOS ecosystem and we welcome
groups to come together with low barriers to entry and plenty of
resources to offer the groups. Details on the process can be found at
- ----------
We try and organise Dojos in various parts of the world as a one day
event, to bring together people who use CentOS and others who are keen
to learn about CentOS. The day's focus is on sharing technical
knowledge and success stories. It's also a great place to meet and
talk about upcoming technologies and learn how others are using them
on CentOS Linux.
In the coming months we hope to host events in London, Bangalore,
Sweden, Germany, Spain, and in many parts of the USA. If you would
like to help organise a Dojo, do drop by the centos-promo list at
- ----------
Getting Help
The CentOS ecosystem is sustained by community driven help and
guidance. The best place to start for new users is at
- ----------
This release was made possible due to the hard work of many people,
foremost on that list are the Red Hat Engineers for producing a great
distribution, without them CentOS Linux would look very different.
We are also looking for people to get involved with the QA process in
CentOS, if you would like to join this please introduce yourself on
the centos-devel list (
http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos-devel ).
- ----------
I would also like to thank our donors and sponsors for their continued
support for the project. And to everyone who contributed with ideas,
code, test feedback, and promoting CentOS Linux into the ecosystem.
- --
Karanbir Singh, Project Lead, The CentOS Project
+44-207-0094455 | http://www.centos.org/ | twitter.com/CentOS
Version: GnuPG v2.0.14 (GNU/Linux)
CentOS Errata and Bugfix Advisory 2015:0756
Upstream details at : https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2015-0756.html
The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently
syncing to the mirrors: ( sha256sum Filename )
f142f273b39b52330692113229fb1b2705bcb14cc7d3dca87c9af05b17c30547 gnome-terminal-2.31.3-11.el6_6.i686.rpm
d7d44f7bf07a6b695501abaf97615bff33d0a8b8624e507ee5de88b633f81e31 gnome-terminal-2.31.3-11.el6_6.x86_64.rpm
091b062c38b298d7fe8bddff8e63d815e8aec3cf1a8ec8ffd8d237869c926fc4 gnome-terminal-2.31.3-11.el6_6.src.rpm
Johnny Hughes
CentOS Project { http://www.centos.org/ }
irc: hughesjr, #centos(a)irc.freenode.net
CentOS Errata and Bugfix Advisory 2015:0754
Upstream details at : https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2015-0754.html
The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently
syncing to the mirrors: ( sha256sum Filename )
28de493fc3a314d52bb60c96688fd807c986e4a3885be4eb339c696229dd6b7c cronie-1.4.4-15.el6.i686.rpm
ec22b667ff1f9f11ad54f9cb8eeaaf1fcbea2c4eb2a96f655bea877084b739ef cronie-anacron-1.4.4-15.el6.i686.rpm
5223d45f4a40ae9b521844f666504d55778e166f1c5cd8e8dc92bfd3ac22a2b6 cronie-noanacron-1.4.4-15.el6.i686.rpm
d2238fa4100380f7607393e48345614bc90e1385f1426dc1269c40b01f07b4bb cronie-1.4.4-15.el6.x86_64.rpm
f3ea8f9f6fe548d64699592ccbe326ed474f7b1ae17df7a35b3010b419ed26d0 cronie-anacron-1.4.4-15.el6.x86_64.rpm
606d1a6d304f77eb0e05259fcc1e56391073469f4603040e32ba5637e17a34d6 cronie-noanacron-1.4.4-15.el6.x86_64.rpm
eba4bb44466ffc8965cd6f3e58e298ad522b0e95eca38cbc2f3b4521500b80ac cronie-1.4.4-15.el6.src.rpm
Johnny Hughes
CentOS Project { http://www.centos.org/ }
irc: hughesjr, #centos(a)irc.freenode.net